ACADEMIC — If you are an instructor teaching supply chain management or logistics courses, use SCM GLOBE as a laboratory or “sandbox” where your students apply what they learn from readings and lectures to solve actual supply chain problems. Students see what works and what does not in highly realistic simulations. Included in the price of student subscriptions is the personalized online training support instructors need to come up to speed quickly and feel comfortable and confident using SCM Globe in their classes — read more below. See instructor testimonials here: Engaging Process for Teaching Supply Chains. See more about pricing here: SCM Globe Pricing
PROFESSIONAL / ENTERPRISE — If you are a supply chain planner, risk analyst, or consultant, use SCM GLOBE PRO or ENTERPRISE to model and simulate the operation of your company or client’s actual supply chains. Use it for supply chain improvement, risk analysis, contingency planning and exploration of different supply chain options. Use simulations to energize your S&OP process and collaboration with key customers and supplies. Run on your own server and provide whatever level of security you wish. SCM Globe Pro includes an hour of online consultation to help you get started; purchase more hours as you need them — read more below. See example of an actual client engagement here: Java Furniture Company – Indonesia. See more about pricing here: SCM Globe Pricing
** IF YOU PURCHASE the BUSINESS EDITION: SCM GLOBE PRO — Please contact us ( to activate the data import/export features, and the automatic modeling and reporting features of SCM GLOBE PRO. You can also schedule your one hour training session included with SCM GLOBE PRO.
Increase Student Engagement & Learning – As shown below, we provide a complete, ready-to-use package that will complement almost any supply chain or logistics course. SCM Globe simulations work well with any textbook or reading list. We provide 30 days of free access to instructors so they can explore further on their own.
Personal online training and support for instructors
Included in the price of academic subscriptions are instructor support and teaching resources.
Instructor Manual with teaching tips; course syllabus examples for beginning and advanced courses using different supply chain textbooks plus useful material contributed by other instructors using the simulations in their classes.
Instructor Study Guides for popular case studies with step-by-step instructions to help instructors get up and running quickly.
Online Tutorials, Videos and FAQs to help students and instructors come up to speed quickly and learn how to model and simulate any supply chain anywhere in the world (screen displays are available in several languages and there is also a PDF version of a summary user manual in Spanish).
Library of Case Studies and Study Guides for case studies of varying levels of difficulty providing step-by-step exploration of supply chain issues illustrated with screenshots and simulation data
Onsite or extended online training for instructors
Development of unique case studies
Customized instructor manuals
Course syllabus creation and development of other educational material tailored for your curriculum
See SCM Globe Pricing for cost of the academic and business versions of the software and services.
If you purchase SCM Globe Professional — Please contact us ( to schedule your one hour consultation and unlock the additional capabilities of SCM Glob Pro! By running multiple simulations under different scenarios you’ll find the best ways to reduce costs and increase service levels. We’ll show you how to use simulations to explore different supply chain options and make improvements:
Visualize performance of existing company supply chains and design new ones – turn bar charts and columns of numbers into moving, map-based displays that even a CEO can understand…
identify likely points of failure and operating risks
find best distribution center locations
reduce transportation costs
improve capacity planning and production scheduling
adjust inventory levels and delivery schedules to ensure product availability
understand supply chain impacts from supply and demand variability
automatically import data from ERP and other systems to create supply chain models
automatically generate P&L reports and KPIs from simulation data
See SCM Globe Pricing for cost of the academic and business professional versions of the software.
Use Simulations to Energize Your S&OP Process
Use simulations to drive your Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) process. Develop and reconcile your demand plans and supply plans.
Simulations find the mismatches between your supply plans and your demand plans. Simulations also provide the data you need to adjust those plans and fix the problems.
Supply chain models and simulations can be easily reviewed by a wide audience of people who can examine proposed supply chain plans and see for themselves what happens in the simulations. It’s a great way to communicate your recommendations and get good feedback from a wide audience of people in operations, purchasing, sales, and finance.
Balancing Efficiency and Resiliency in Supply Chains
In stable and predictable the environments a supply chain can focus mostly on efficiency and low cost.
But involatile and uncertain environments supply chains must also focus on resiliency and risk reduction.
Many supply chains now operate in volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environments. This calls for continuous risk assessment and contingency planning as situations change.
Risk assessment and creation of appropriate supply chain contingency plans are an on-going process, not a one-time event. The on-going risk assessment and planning process is illustrated in the four steps shown here.
Engage cross-functional teams of geographically dispersed people. Send copies of supply chain models and simulations to other people in your company so they can see for themselves how your recommendations will work.
SCM Globe provides the common, easy to use online platform for geographically dispersed or centrally located teams to participate in risk assessment reviews and creation of supply chain contingency plans.
Features and capabilities of the SCM Globe Pro and Enterprise platforms enable a range of operations from supply chain collaboration to risk management and S&OP activities.
Model and simulate actual supply chains (yours or a competitor’s) and get recommendations for improvement. Design new supply chains using simulations to find best facility locations, vehicles and route options to optimize performance.
We train business analysts and supply chain planners in advanced techniques for modeling and simulation. Do collaborative planning and risk management projects. We can serve as facilitators to provide structure and expertise to the project. Use SCM Globe to host geographically dispersed audiences participating in computer assisted training exercises.
Custom Enhancements – Special Hosting and Licensing – We can provide extra features, and custom integration with other simulations and applications. Instances of SCM Globe can also be licensed for installation on special high security servers as needed by organizations using sensitive and proprietary data.
We and our consulting partners provide online or in-person services for supply chain planning and risk management projects. We can work on an hourly or fixed-bidbasis.
Supply Chain Simulation and Risk Assessment Services
Advanced supply chain modeling, simulation, optimization, and risk assessment services are available through SCM Globe and our consulting partners. See SCM Globe Pro pricing for the business software and related services. Contact us at to schedule a video call and discuss your needs. See how SCM Globe might work for you.