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1. ACADEMIC — If you teach supply chain management or logistics courses, use SCM GLOBE to bridge the gap between theory and reality. It is a laboratory or “sandbox” where your students apply what they learn from readings and lectures to solve supply chain problems in realistic simulations. Skills and insights learned from working with SCM Globe simulations are directly applicable to solving similar problems in real supply chains. Student accounts cost $64.95 USD per student per semester.
Instructor accounts for classes of five or more paying students can be provided at no additional cost. We provide personal online training for instructors to come up to speed quickly and feel comfortable and confident using SCM Globe in their classes. Scroll down for more details on academic pricing and volume discounts. See instructor testimonials here.
2. PROFESSIONAL — If you are a supply chain planner, risk analyst, or consultant, use SCM GLOBE PRO to simulate and improve real supply chains or design new ones. Use it for performance analysis, risk assessment, contingency planning and exploration of different supply chain options. Run on your own server and provide whatever level of security you wish. See more details below. Use simulations to improve your logistics and S&OP processes. See actual client engagement here. SCM GLOBE PRO costs $295.00 USD for 90-day accounts or $780 for annual accounts. Information on volume discounts is shown below.
3. ENTERPRISE — Massively multiplayer online supply chain modeling and simulation for real-time planning and collaboration. Respond in real-time as your supply chain and logistics environments evolve, and unexpected things continue to happen. Share supply chain data in real-time with collaboration partners inside and outside your organization. Drive real-time, collaborative S&OP. The Enterprise Edition builds on the Academic and Professional versions and adds critical new capabilities to enable real-time, map-based, supply chain collaboration between your company and key customers, suppliers, and logistics providers. Architected to run in high security environments and classified networks. Scroll down for more details.
** IF YOU PURCHASE the BUSINESS EDITION: SCM GLOBE PRO — Please contact us ( to activate the data import/export features, and the automatic modeling and reporting features of SCM GLOBE PRO. You can also schedule a one hour training session included with SCM GLOBE PRO.
INDIVIDUAL STUDENT ACCOUNTS can be purchased online with a credit card for $64.95 USD for one semester. Group purchases can also be paid for by wire transfer to the SCM Globe bank account. We have discounts on volume purchases and annual accounts. There is a 5% discount on single-payer orders of 50 or more accounts, and 10% on orders of 100 or more. We offer a 33% discount if schools buy annual accounts. Annual accounts cost $129.90. Annual accounts can be used by different students in different semesters, but not by different students in the same semester!. When multiple students use the same account in the same semester, the supply chain models get damaged and do not work properly.
For organizations that need financial assistance we have a Supply Chain Learners Program. If you wish to apply for this program, contact us at:
SCM GLOBE is cloud-based – there is no software to download or install.
Subscriptions adjusted to fit length of your semester – subscriptions default to 90 days but can be extended a few more weeks as needed to cover the entire semester
Personal web-conference training for instructors – plus extensive offline material for instructors: Instructor Manual with course syllabus examples; step-by-step study guides for popular case studies; lecture slides and quizzes
Intuitive and engaging map-based user interface – delivers ease of use and critical logistics insights and analytics
Use of allcase studies in the online library – plus extensive online guide with videos, tutorials, in-depth discussions and reporting templates for simulation data
Model, simulate, and improve real supply chains – use real data to model existing supply chains or enter new data to design new supply chains; what works well in the simulations will also work well in the real world
Contact us at to discuss your needs and the number of students in your classes.
PURCHASE A STUDENT ACCOUNT AND GET STARTED – Take 15-30 minutes to scan the short videos and tutorials in the “Getting Started” section of the online guide and you will be ready to go.
INDIVIDUAL SCM GLOBE PRO accounts can be purchased online with a credit card for $295.00 USDfor 90 days access. Group purchases can also be invoiced and paid for by wire transfer to the SCM Globe bank account. Price includes one hour of online training or consulting, purchase more consulting time as needed. SCM Globe Pro builds on the foundation provided by the Academic version, and adds more features and enhancements. Custom enhancementsand integration with other simulations and applications are available. Special hosting, security, and licensing options are available.
Discounts on volume purchases and annual accounts — There is a 5% discount on single-payer orders of 25 or more accounts, and 10% on orders of 50 or more. We offer a 33% discount when accounts are purchased for a year instead of for 90 days. Annual accounts cost $780.
** IF YOU PURCHASE the BUSINESS EDITION: SCM GLOBE PROFESSIONAL — Please contact us ( to activate the data import/export features, and the automatic modeling and reporting features of SCM GLOBE PRO. You can also schedule your one hour training session included with SCM GLOBE PRO.
Visualize performance of existing supply chains and design new ones: turn columns of numbers, bar charts, and line graphs into animated, map-based displays that everyone from supervisors to senior executives can see and understand… 🙂
Import/export supply chain data: exchange data with ERP systems and other data sources using JSON or CSV file formats
Generate supply chain models from imported data: Update and display of supply chain operating status on digital maps as new data arrives; simulations show where problems are most likely to occur
Easily model and simulate different supply chains: copy and clone existing facilities and vehicles; build larger supply chain models; quickly explore different courses of action as unexpected things happen
Automatic generation of Profit & Loss Reports and KPIs: create financial and performance reports from simulation data; explore options for cost reduction, business expansion, and risk management
Identify points of risk and areas for improvement: apply optimizing techniques to improve supply chain design; find best distribution center locations; reduce transportation costs; improve capacity planning; adjust inventory levels and delivery schedules
Energize and focus S&OP activities: reconcile supply plans with demand plans by using simulations to find where supply and demand mismatches occur. Use simulations to explore ways to address and reconcile those problems
Engage teams of stakeholders: online or in-person teams of people from operations, finance, procurement, and sales can all see and quickly understand the pros and cons of different supply chain designs and plans
PURCHASE A BUSINESS ACCOUNT AND GET STARTED – After your purchase, contact us ( to activate the data import/export features, and the automatic modeling and reporting features of SCM GLOBE PRO. You can also schedule a one hour training session included with SCM GLOBE PRO.
Version 1.0 of the ENTERPRISE Edition is NOW AVAILBLE! (August 2024). ENTERPRISE includes all the features of the Academic and Professional versions and it provides critical new capabilities to enable real-time data sharing and coordination with supply chain partners. ENTERPRISE is a cloud-based operations planning and monitoring platform for company internal use as well as for collaboration with customers, suppliers, and logistics providers:
Automatic data import/export with supply chain and logistics systems of record at different organizations
Real-time update and display of supply chain networks as new supply chain data is imported
Define daily and hourly operating schedules for facilities and delivery routes
Variable product demand and productionrates at facilities for daily operations
Select simulation time progression increments defined in minutes, hours, or days
Additional reporting and onscreen data displays to evaluate present and potential courses of action
Cyber security and hosting features tailored to meet the most demanding requirements
AI ASSIST for network design and scheduling options to meet supply chain needs and optimize performance
We partner with supply chain organizations and consulting firms who assist us to further develop ENTERPRISE features and capabilities, and bring ENTERPRISE to customers around the world. If you are interested in partnering with us please contact us (; and tell us why you and your organization would be a good partner. ENTERPRISE pricing is several times higher than SCM Globe Pro, depending on customer requirements. Partner organizations receive significant discounts and sales incentives.
BUSINESS SERVICES: available through us and our consulting partners
We can provide a package of software and services to meet the specific needs of your situation. Hourly or project oriented packages are tailored to fit your needs.
Custom software enhancements – Integration with other simulations and applications – Special hosting and licensing
Modeling and simulation of actual supply chains (yours or a competitor’s), with recommendations for improvement
Design of new supply chains using simulations to find the best facility locations, plus vehicles and route schedules to deliver the best supply chain performance
Training of business analysts and supply chain planners in advanced modeling and simulation techniques for supply chain analysis and design
Guidance for geographically dispersed teams participating in online training and planning exercises, or supply chain improvement and risk management projects.