SCM Globe comes with a library of case studies that explore COMMERCIAL, HUMANITARIAN, and MILITARY supply chains. When you purchase an account you have access to all the case studies and their simulations.
The case studies range from relatively simple beginning cases like Cincinnati Seasonings, to quite challenging advanced cases such as Zara Clothing Company, or Nepal Earthquake Disaster Response. Case studies are laboratories where you apply what you learn in lectures and readings to solve supply chain problems in highly realistic simulations. Each case has a "CASE STUDY CONCEPT" showing the supply chain principles and practices highlighted in that case.

Case studies presently available in the online library are shown below. You are welcome to use any or all of them. You can also create your own case studies, or we can create them for you. Cases are shown in the three categories. As you work with these cases you will gain an intuitive understanding of supply chain dynamics, and develop the analytical skills for designing and managing real supply chains.
People new to SCM Globe should start with the Cincinnati Seasonings case study. Work individually at first, not in groups. Each person needs their own account. Do the three challenges shown in the online introduction to Cincinnati Seasonings. That's how you'll learn to use the software, and how to use simulations to analyze and design supply chains. Then you will be ready to work in groups or work on more advanced cases. Click on the case studies below to see a description and introduction to each case.
Commercial Supply Chain Case Studies

Collaborative Supply Chains
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S&J Trading Company – Angola
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Java Furniture Company – Indonesia
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Cincinnati Seasonings
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Supply Chains of the Roman Empire
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Ancient Silk Road – First Global Supply Chain
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Zara Clothing Company Supply Chain
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Fantastic Corporation – Global Supply Chain
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Fantastic Corporation – Unexpected Disruptions
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Humanitarian Supply Chain Case Studies

Disaster Response Supply Chains: Flooding Scenario
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Nepal Earthquake Disaster Response Supply Chain
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Humanitarian Supply Chains: Syria Evacuation Scenario (CIV and MIL)
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Military Supply Chain Case Studies

Burma Campaign – 1944 Invasion of India
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Battle of Smolensk – 1941 Invasion of Russia
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Humanitarian Supply Chains: Syria Evacuation Scenario (CIV and MIL)
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Alexander the Great Needed Great Supply Chains
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New cases are added based on projects we do with instructors, students, and supply chain professionals. Here are the new supply chain models in the library:
Interactive Supply Chain Case Studies
Every case study has a main theme or concept that it illustrates. You will be challenged to use knowledge acquired in lectures and readings as well as your own real-world experience to expand and re-design the supply chains in these case studies.
In the commercial supply chain cases you need to improve and expand the supply chains to support new stores and still keep operating costs and inventory as low as possible. In cases that deal with humanitarian or military missions you need to create supply chains to deliver the right supplies to the right locations when they are needed, and do so at a reasonable cost.
We are glad to provide a free evaluation account to instructors, students and supply chain professionals interested in exploring SCM Globe simulations — click here to request an account — Get Your Free Trial Demo
See SCM Globe pricing for Academic and Business versions of the software.
The best case to start with is Cincinnati Seasonings. After working through the three challenges presented in the online introduction to this case you will be ready to handle further challenges in this case or move on to more advanced cases. Get a quick introduction to working with case studies in “Working with Case Studies“.
As problems are found in the simulations, you make decisions about how to fix them. Make changes to your supply chain model in the Edit screen. Then go to the Simulate screen and run a simulation to see the results of your changes. Depending on the changes you make, your supply chain simulation runs for additional days and other problems arise. As you address these problems you see about how supply chains work. Apply what you learn in readings and and lectures plus your work experience to solve the problems you encounter.
Keep improving your supply chain model until you get the simulation to run for 30+ days. Then download your simulation results and create a monthly Profit & Loss Report plus KPIs (as shown below). This provides an objective basis for evaluating the merits of different supply chain solutions.
Monthly Profit & Loss Reports identify areas for improvement. They help you improve your supply chain to keep it running for 30 days and also lower operating costs and inventory levels. You can work on lowering the carbon footprint of your supply chain too. These are the challenges you address in SCM Globe, and they are the same challenges people face when managing real supply chains. What works well in the simulations will also work well with actual supply chains. Skills you develop in working with the simulations are directly transferable to the real world.
NOTE: You can run simulations for longer than 30 – 60 days, but there is usually no reason to do so. This is because most companies do not run their supply chains unchanged for longer than 30 days at a time. They use a 30 day S&OP (sales and operations planning) cycle and these simulations correspond to that monthly S&OP cycle. These simulations focus on the tactical realities of operating a supply chain from one month to the next, and finding what works best.
Accessing the Online Library of Case Studies
As shown in the screenshots below, logon to your account and access the case study library from your Account Management screen. Click on the “View Library” button (arrow 1) in upper right corner of the Account Management screen. In the Library screen you see a list of available supply chain case studies; click “Import” to load a selected case study into your account; give the imported case a Name, and click “My Account” to go back to your Account Management screen.
You are welcome to import any or as many of the supply chain models in the library as you wish. Once you have a copy of a supply chain model in your own account you can make any changes you want to it.
In Account Management, you “Create a New Supply Chain” or work with an existing supply chain by clicking the “Edit” button (arrow 2) next to the existing supply chain you want to work on. You can also upload copies of supply chain models sent to you by other SCM Globe users (arrow 3), and check your account expiration date (arrow 4).
Use the Default Values or Enter New Data
When you load any of the case study supply chain models from the SCM Globe library, they come with default numbers already plugged in. You can either accept the defaults or do some research to find more current data. This data (like data and prices everywhere) changes all the time.
Look for data on products, facilities and vehicles that are used in your supply chain and see what their specifications and costs are. Costs can vary widely in different parts of the world. Go to websites of commercial real estate brokers in cities of interest and see what you can find out about rent costs:
- for cities in North America start with
- and for cities in other parts of the world start with
Metric System of Weights and Measures
In the case studies all weights, volumes, distances and speeds are expressed using the metric system. The metric system is used around the world in every country except three: Liberia; Myanmar; and the United States. So it is good for supply chain professionals to feel comfortable with the metric system.
Register on SCM Globe for Access to all Supply Chain Simulations
Click the blue "Register" button on the app login page, and buy an account with a credit card or PayPal (unless you already have one). Then scan the "Getting Started" section, and you are ready to start. Go to the SCM Globe library and click "Import" next to the supply chain models you want.
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