Imagine there is suddenly a real opportunity to stop the fighting in Syria. After months of tense negotiations and years of carnage, all the parties reach an agreement. But unless this agreement is implemented quickly it will collapse into chaos once again. The diplomats and politicians have reached
Simulations Create a Winning Supply Chain
Gonzalo Florez-Giraldo is working on his degree in global supply chain management and logistics at Houston Community College. A degree in supply chain management opens up a lot of opportunities, because Houston is a hub of commerce with its busy seaport and its location at the center of a
Lessons Learned From Wargaming
Could we use games to explore different supply chain options, just as the military uses games to explore different strategies? Could a supply chain game show us the best supply chain solutions the same way wargames show the best strategies? If so, what would that supply chain game look like? “We
Coming of the Real-Time Economy (and Pizza Delivery Supply Chains)
The other day I was indulging in one of my favorite ways to waste time online in our real-time economy. I was exploring in Google Maps with the satellite view turned on. I found myself cruising up the Ohio River heading east from Cincinnati, and I came upon a little river town named Gallipolis, Ohio
Cuba 55 Years On: Impact of Supply Chains
Arriving in Cuba for the first time is like stepping into a time capsule that has preserved different periods of the country’s history, and then mixed them all together. There’s old Havana, the center of the city, filled with block after block of cobblestone streets and two and three story Spanish
Supply Chain Simulation in 6 Easy Steps
Supply chain simulations are usually so complicated only a few experts know how to use them. But SCM Globe simulations are both easy and accurate. That makes them useful to a wide audience of academic, professional and business people. Anyone wishing to teach about supply chains, or analyze the
Taking Care of Business on the Silk Road
CASE STUDY FOCUS: Timeless Supply Chain Challenges (Master Distributors and their Inventory Buffers Stabilize Product Flow). Simulations show the best way to support a continuous and predictable flow of merchandise on the ancient Silk Road was to have large stocks of inventory at key locations.
Taming the Bullwhip on the Silk Road
CASE STUDY FOCUS: Timeless Supply Chain Challenges (managing the Bullwhip Effect). How was it possible in the year 210 AD to maintain a continuous flow of merchandise on the Silk Road and to match supply with demand as conditions changed from one year to the next? How could people without